The Sweet Potato Biscuits were originally due on October 20 and chosen by Erin of Prudence Pennywise. The recipe (and a wonderful picture-guidance) may be found on her page, or in the book.
I had an enormous sweet potato in my "bio-basket" that is delivered directly to the doorsill of my appartment every week. So, what would have been more obvious than trying out this recipe, that has been on the schedule just a few days before I started with TWD? Therefore, I used freshly made purree instead of the canned sweet potatos. The introduction-paragraph for the recipe advises to use 3/4 to 1 cup of fresh purree, and I used the higher limit, which is, I think, just perfect. I left out the sugar, and I don't think it would have been necessary.
For the rest, I followed the recipe as it was written (including the nutmeg- but not the cinnamon-option, and, as always, using spelt flour).
They turned out really, really good. This is the second week I bake before I have breakfast, so I can already enjoy a test-piece with my Sunday-breakfast/brunch. Well, or two test-pieces. Or...
I could get used to this procedure :o]
Additonally, these come together so quick, that even me, I don't spend too much time on it.
I have no biscuit cutter (actually, I do not even know what a biscuit cutter is. Possibly it is not much different to a cookie cutter?), so I used silicone molds, 6 for making brioches (but I use them also for muffins) and 6 round ones that are shaped like flowers on the edge and on the bottom. While they were baking (I often need a bit less baking-time then stated in the recipe; here, my baking-time was more like 10-12 mins.), I had just enough time to prepare the rest of my Sunday-breakfast.
Just wonder-ful, really! I don't think that you should use any spread for them, they are just perfect for themselves. They get a pretty slightly orange colour, and they are very airy. It happened that I didn't mash the potatos completely, so a few very small pieces made it into the biscuits, but I found that to be a very marvellous touch.
Liked to make it, liked to eat it - liked it!
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