Samstag, 24. November 2012
(belated) TWD: Buttermilk-Crumb Muffins
I have to bake a week behind the rest of the group in November, therefore I'm not going to leave my link. But at least I want to have the record I made it for myself.
When I read the recipe for Buttermilk-Crumb Muffins I thought "How boring". I regularily tend to forget that it is very often the oddest-sounding recipes that turn out best.
And: These muffins are really a hit and a alltime-favourite!
They are more than easy in the making, delicious due to the crumbs and moist and soft on the inside. Perfect. Who needs more from a muffin?
For the recipe, got to Alisa's page Easier Than Pie who hosted the November 6-recipe of TWD-"Baking with Julia"- or have a look at Dorie Greenspans book.